
This there is a wonderful event to support LGBTQIA youth at St. John. A more detailed description is below.

There's some great entertainers and speakers and it should be a genuinely good time. It's this Saturday at 7:30 pm.

Help us out with spreading the word - Like & share the FB page:


For decades, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine has hosted a "Spirit of Pride" event as part of Gay Pride NYC-wide offerings each June. This is only one way that they have used their prominence as the largest cathedral in the world to create space for important interfaith and secular conversations and creative expressions about justice, equality and peacemaking. The Cathedral for the Episcopal Diocese of New York, they have long been committed to justice for LGTB people, since the days of Stonewall and especially the beginning of the AIDS pandemic, when they became the center for the National AIDS Memorial.

We are hoping to make this an annual event supporting LGBTQ Youth citywide, demonstrating to them that we've got their backs, an event that will connect youth to Spirit in the most ecumenical way. We're looking forward to seeing an outpouring of support to assure young people not only that it gets better, but also that we are committed to MAKING IT BETTER for them.

Guest Speaker, Matthew Vines, The Lavender Light Choir, Ryan Amador & Jo Lampert, Justin Vivian Bond, Exoucia Choir from the River-Rehoboth Church in Harlem, Sean Patrick Mulroy, Corrina Bain and more. The Cathedral comfortably seats 2200 -- we are hoping to pack the joint!https://profile-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ash4/373304_477701768965983_344048812_n.jpghttp://www.facebook.com/QF2013


Not to be missed!!

Trinity Place Shelter is taking it to Fire Island, for the 3rd year in a row!!!! PLEASE COME JOIN US!!! Get tickets at below, attached link!

Sunday, June 9, 2013, 3pm-7pm
Pines Pool & Bar, Fire Island

Promotional Video (1 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=pebfKKvyPik

Trinity Place Shelter, Randy Bettis, Buddy Casimano, Michael Metts & Patty Rosado invite you for a fun afternoon in the sun! Bring your bathing suits!

Music: DJ Randy Bettis

$30 in advance/$35.00 door (CASH BAR)
$100 Host Pass (2 tickets)
$350.00 VIP (Exclusive use of a Cabana + 6 tickets, includes special basket of goodies)http://www.facebook.com/events/326569880804734/


The latest Trinity Place Shelter fundraising benefit! Thank you Gary Lizardo!https://fbexternal-a.akamaihd.net/safe_image.php?d=AQD_8MAoQfKo33r4&w=154&h=154&url=http%3A%2F%2Fd2oadd98wnjs7n.cloudfront.net%2Fprojects%2F361515%2Fpictures%2Fprimary%2F20130419192231-bare.038__3__edited_filter_2_copy__800x800_.jpg%3F1366424554http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/bare-a-pop-opera-nyc-return?c=homewww.indiegogo.com


Come one & come all!http://www.facebook.com/events/326569880804734/


Huge thanks to the students at Trinity School, NYC who through their campaign "Straight Up -- Love is Louder" (http://www.loveislouder.com/straight-up/), raised a whopping $2,500 for Trinity Place Shelter's Capital Campaign (http://www.buildingwithpride.org/)! Special shout out to die hard TPS supporter and teacher at Trinity School, Michael Barbaro, who leads the effort for a more accepting and loving learning (and living!) environment for youth!http://www.loveislouder.com/straight-up/www.loveislouder.com